Friday, June 22, 2012

You in Review

At First Free, we are in the process of our end of year reviews. Our fiscal calendar ends on Aug. 31, so I'm in the process of reviewing my direct reports and just went through my own review recently. Such times can be very helpful. If done honestly, a review can be a great encouragement for a job well-done as well as a time to reflect on areas that need improvement. When carried out correctly, a job review can be a great aid to increased excellence for an employee.
As I have reflected on the process at my job, the thought hit me that it could be helpful to have a tool to evaluate myself spiritually from time to time. The following is a tool I found helpful. It's borrowed and modified from the Ignite Worship blog.

•Grab a piece of paper and Rate 1 to 5 (1 being poor, 5 being outstanding)
1.I meet consistently with a smaller group of Christians.
2.I'm connected to other Christians who hold me accountable.
3.I can talk with spiritual mentors when I need help, advice, or support.
4.My Christian friends are a significant source of strength and stabilitiy in my life.
5.I regularly pray for others.
6.I have resolved all conflicts I have had with others.
7.I've done all I possibly can to be a good member of my family.

Take time to answer the following questions to further evaluate your spiritual health.
8. List the three most significant relationships you have right now. Why are these people important to you?
9. How would you describe the benefit you receive from being in fellowship with other Christians?
10. Do you have an accountability partner? If so, what have you been doing to hold each other accountable? If not, how can you get one?

Rate 1 to 5 (1 being poor, 5 being outstanding)
1.I have regular times of conversation with God.
2.I'm closer to God this year than I was last year at this time.
3.I'm making better decisions this month when compared to last month.
4.I regularly attend church services and grow spiritually as a result.
5.I consistently honor God with my finances through giving.
6.I regularly study the Bible on my own.
7.I regularly memorize Bible verses or passages.

Take time to answer the following questions to further evaluate your spiritual health.
8. What books or chapters from the Bible have you read during the last month?
9. What has God been teaching you from Scripture lately?
10. What was the last verse you memorized? When did you memorize it? Describe the last time a memorized Bible verse helped you?

1.I am currently serving in some ministry capacity.
2.I'm effectively ministering where I'm serving.
3.Generally I have a humble attitude when I serve others.
4.I understand God has created me a s a unique individual and he has a special plan for my life.
5.When I help others, I typically don't look for anything in return.
6.My family and friends consider me to be generally unselfish.
7.I'm usually sensitive to the hurts of others and respond in a caring way.

Take time to answer the following questions to further evaluate your spiritual health.
8. If you're currently serving in a ministry, why are you serving? If not, what's kept you from getting involved?
9. What spiritual lessons have you learned while serving?
10. What frustrations have you experienced as a result of serving?

EVANGELISM: SHARING Your Story and God's Story
Rate 1 to 5 (1 being poor, 5 being outstanding)

1.I regularly pray for my unbelieving friends.
2.I invite friends to church.
3.I talk about my faith with others.
4.I pray for opportunities to share about what Jesus has done in my life.
5.People know I'm a Christian by more than my words.
6.I feel a strong compassion for the lost.
7.I have written out my testimony (God-story) and am ready to share it.

Take time to answer the following questions to further evaluate your spiritual health.
8. Describe any significant spiritual conversations you've had with unbelievers in the past month.
9. Has your faith been challenged by any non-Christians? If yes, how?
10. What have been some difficulties you've faced with sharing you faith?
11. What success have you experienced recently in personal evangelism? (Success isn't limited to bringing people to salvation directly. Helping someone take a step closer at any point on his or her spiritual journey is success.)

Rate 1 to 5 (1 being poor, 5 being outstanding)
1.I consistently participate in worship experiences at church.
2.My heart breaks over the things that break God's heart.
3.I regularly give thanks to God.
4.I'm living a life that, overall, honors God.
5.I have an attitude of wonder and awe toward God.
6.I use the free access I have into God's presence often.

Take time to answer the following questions to further evaluate your spiritual health.
7. Make a list of your top five priorities. You can get a good idea of your priorities by evaluating how you spend your time. Be realistic and honest . Are your priorities in the right order? Do you need to get rid of some or add new priorities?
8. List ten things you're thankful for.
9. What influences, directs, guides, or controls you the most?